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 Getting old... 

Ok, I must be getting old. I have been up by 6am all week. Of course that also means that I have been in bed by midnight (and usually 9pm) every night.

While I am really enjoying having extra time in the morning, it still feels really strange to be up.

Friday, October 06, 2006 | perma-link | add comment
"Obviously Ryan things we are then just because we like to kill people."


You don't know what I think, and there is nothing "obvious" about it.

We went to war because we were duped into believing that there were WMDs there. That is the only consideration that was presented to the American people. I was duped - I hoped against hope that they would find weapons and America would be "right."

When that proved false, the US decided to "spread democracy" through war using Iraq as an example/staging point. This was possibly the plan all along; perhaps the people in power were being sincere. I don't know.

What I do know is that we're there, still. And what's the point in that? That's what I was asking, and you attack me when I bring up valid points and put your imaginary "context" in actual context.

Thank you. That's great.
Anonymous Anonymous @ 1:34 PM, October 06, 2006  
So, you get to decide what I meant by context, but we are not allowed to extrapolate what you meant by "We're sending American troops to their deaths for no discernible reason."

I do appologize for putting words in your mouth but I was pissed off at you for making a post about "American Deaths in 2005" be just about the war. When I read your comment, it seemed to imply (by omission) that it is ok that Tobacco is killing almost half a million people a year. (Yes, I know you were not saying that, but your focus on Iraq says more about your frame of mind then it does about my post.)

As for my use of the word context, here is what I found on dictionary.com:

"the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc."

So in my use the "event, situation, etc" was the 'number of Americans killed in Iraq'. It was not 'The war in Iraq' in general.

By context, I meant the context of causes of death. Seems like a perfectly reasonable use of the word to me.

(If you read my latest post you will see that I now realize could have been more specific and used the term SCALE.) What I was thinking was 'how do these numbers compare to other causes of death.'

Once again, my post was not about the war, it was about the things that are killing Americans each year. The war protesters just made me start thinking about it.
Blogger Jorgie @ 5:29 PM, October 06, 2006  
"Obviously Ryan things we are then just because we like to kill people."


You don't know what I think, and there is nothing "obvious" about it.

We went to war because we were duped into believing that there were WMDs there. That is the only consideration that was presented to the American people. I was duped - I hoped against hope that they would find weapons and America would be "right."

When that proved false, the US decided to "spread democracy" through war using Iraq as an example/staging point. This was possibly the plan all along; perhaps the people in power were being sincere. I don't know.

What I do know is that we're there, still. And what's the point in that? That's what I was asking, and you attack me when I bring up valid points and put your imaginary "context" in actual context.

Thank you. That's great.
So, you get to decide what I meant by context, but we are not allowed to extrapolate what you meant by "We're sending American troops to their deaths for no discernible reason."

I do appologize for putting words in your mouth but I was pissed off at you for making a post about "American Deaths in 2005" be just about the war. When I read your comment, it seemed to imply (by omission) that it is ok that Tobacco is killing almost half a million people a year. (Yes, I know you were not saying that, but your focus on Iraq says more about your frame of mind then it does about my post.)

As for my use of the word context, here is what I found on dictionary.com:

"the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc."

So in my use the "event, situation, etc" was the 'number of Americans killed in Iraq'. It was not 'The war in Iraq' in general.

By context, I meant the context of causes of death. Seems like a perfectly reasonable use of the word to me.

(If you read my latest post you will see that I now realize could have been more specific and used the term SCALE.) What I was thinking was 'how do these numbers compare to other causes of death.'

Once again, my post was not about the war, it was about the things that are killing Americans each year. The war protesters just made me start thinking about it.
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